On February 17, 2019, the Haitian police incarcerated five Americans, along with two foreign nationals and one Haitian. The men are identified as: former Navy SEALS Christopher Michael Osman and Christopher Mark McKinley, former Marine Kent Leland Kroeker and Americans Dustin Porte and Talon Ray Burton. These foreign men were caught with various weapons including six pistols, six automatic rifles, two drones, five ballistic vests, three satellite phones, a telescope, and several license plates.
As of February 21, 2019, the 5 American citizens have been escorted back to the United States in an attempt to flee the Haitian Justice system. According to the Miami Herald, the men reported to have been on a "government mission and were under no obligation to talk to Haitian law enforcement." This lack of justice is very apparent in Haiti as a result of a corrupted government and failed elected officials. We, as Haitian citizens cannot allow the United States to not only meddle in our politics, but also get away with it. The United States has a long history of interfering with foreign politics and Haiti is prime example. The heavily armed men found in Haiti face no charges upon their return back to the States.
Many wonder how this group of Americans was allowed to leave Haiti under proper conditions without any explication from the Haitian government. We see from time to time again the lack of responsibility from our Haitian leaders. Such an act would have never been allowed on U.S soil or any country that truly cares about its citizens. How can we demand accountability and respect from other countries when we allow such injustices to occur in front of us without any repercussion?